So what do you do when you’ve been highly successful in the traditional corporate world? When you’ve been instrumental in leading billion-dollar divisions to ever greater heights? When you’ve had corporate giants seek your help even after you’ve retired?

Well, it turns out you play a lot of golf.

And you do it with your friend who retired from the telecommunications industry at age 43. That’s what led Verdis Norton and his golfing buddy, James Pack, to acquire the foundational technology behind what is, today, ASEA.

See, guys like this don’t ever really retire. They just keep their eyes open for new opportunities.

After three decades with Kraft Foods, Verdis Norton retired as the Vice President of Strategy and later was asked to run a biotech company. Some time after that, a particular technology caught Verdis’ interest, and when the technology came up for sale, Verdis mentioned it to his Park City, Utah friend and neighbor, James Pack.

James had moved to Park City years prior after building a highly successful telecommunications consulting company. So successful, in fact, that James retired at an age when most businessmen are just beginning to earn real income. When James heard about the opportunity to join Verdis in business and acquire this intriguing technology, he pulled out a check, wrote in a large figure, and said, “There’s more where this came from. Let’s do this.”

And that’s how ASEA was born. Two men, each highly successful in the traditional business world, each acutely attuned to recognizing opportunity, each singularly motivated to make a difference in the lives of others.